Each year, CPSA sponsors the DC forum in conjunction with the International Exhibition and convention. This two-day meeting gives the attendees an opportunity to share their successes and seek solutions to any questions, concerns, and challenges they face. It is inspiring to hear about what other chapters are doing. In addition, the CPSA governing board and the forum delegates devote half a day (usually Wednesday morning) to a combined meeting. By understanding each other’s needs, we can work to further the goals of both groups and the membership at large.
Tuesday and Wednesday of convention week (late July/early August).
One delegate, typically the DC president, represents each district chapter. If the DC president is unable to attend, the chapter may choose another representative as the official delegate.
The forum moderator plans an agenda with subjects of interest based on responses to an annual chapter survey. Chapter delegates may volunteer or be asked to make presentations on a variety of subjects such as chapter management, increasing membership, meeting ideas, critiques, workshops, and fundraising opportunities.
Tuesday evening is when forum delegates preview the International Exhibition and have dinner with the governing board. Because this is a business event, we are unable to accommodate guests.

Wednesday morning is usually a joint meeting of the governing board and forum delegates to address specific questions, matters of mutual interest, and ways to improve our organization. Chapters may send specific questions and topics for discussion to the moderator or DC development director in advance.
To participate in the DC forum, email the district chapter development director