9th International Exhibition Awards 2001

Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA
July 29–August 11, 2001

JUROR—Robert Flynn Johnson, Curator Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco

Each image is copyrighted by its individual artist. The use of any image from this site is prohibited without prior written permission from the artist.

CPSA Award for Exceptional Merit and CIPPY Award $1000
Thomas M. Thayer, Jr., CPSA (WA)
Ghost in the Machine

Sanford Award for Exceptional Merit $1000
Lee Simms, CPSA (NY)
Blockton’s Plight

Derwent Fine Arts Pencil Award for Outstanding Recognition $500
Jill Kline, CPSA (MI)
The Story of Thomas

Lyra Award for Outstanding Recognition $500
Scott Bruza (CA)
Burning City

A.W. Faber-Castell Award for Outstanding Recognition $500
Sheila Theodoratos (WA)
The Critic

Bruynzeel Award for Outstanding Recognition $500
Diane Kohlman (CA)

Donna Gaylord and
Phoenix AZ District Chapter 212 Award for Excellence $300

Jeffrey Smart Baisden, CPSA (FL)

San Francisco CA District Chapter 210 Award for Excellence $300
Melinda Beavers (NJ)
Kirin–An Asian Unicorn

Airfloat Systems Award for Excellence $300
Elizabeth Patterson (CA)
Mama’s Boy

Walter Foster Publishing Award for Excellence $300
Richard Huck, CPSA (PA)
Rock Slide at Guppy Gulch

The Artist’s Magazine Award for Excellence $300
Ellizabeth Holster, CPSA (MI)
Anna Submerged

Strathmore Award for Excellence $300
Penny Greiner (NC)
Thai Food

Detroit MI District Chapter 104 Award for Excellence $300
Jody Beighley (WI)

Memphis TN District Chapter 108 Award for Excellence $300
Robert Richard (Canada)
Beginner’s Luck

Metro Washington District Chapter 109 Award for Excellence $300
Ann Kullberg (WA)
Broken Rules

Friends of CPSA Awards $300
Robert Guthrie, CPSA (CA)
Jackson’s Folly
Judy Spyker (CA)
First Born

Awards of same value and description are equal in rank.