CPSA comprises over 1,800 individual member artists as well as corporate members in the United States and around the world. It is managed by a governing board of 14 members who volunteer their time and effort to help run this organization. In addition, CPSA supports a number of district chapters within the U.S.
Working on a broad scale, CPSA is able to provide credibility for the entire organization and all colored pencil artists, gain attention for colored pencil art in major art publications, sponsor the annual convention and exhibition in different parts of the country, conduct lightfastness testing and encourage manufacturers to produce better products.
Because the interaction of members at the local level helps attain its goals, CPSA decided to build a network of local district chapters to benefit individual members. CPSA serves as the legal entity under which these local chapters operate.
Each chapter is a self-governing group of CPSA members that operates to promote colored pencil art within its own area. Working locally, district chapters benefit members by encouraging camaraderie and education, providing workshops, exhibitions and other opportunities, and attracting new members for the society. CPSA members are free to join any one or more of the district chapters around the country.