To take full advantage of membership in CPSA, we encourage you to join a local district chapter. CPSA supports a network of chapters around the United States to provide its members with opportunities to network with other colored pencil artists, take workshops, and participate in shows at the local level. Even if there is no chapter nearby, you can learn a lot by participating online and receiving a chapter’s newsletters.
Although membership in CPSA is a prerequisite for joining a district chapter, it does not automatically make you a member of a district chapter. As a member of CPSA, however, you may join as many chapters as you like—but it is up to you to contact chapters directly. Most chapters have dues ranging from about $15 to $25 per year to cover their operational costs.
Q: Why must I belong to CPSA in order to join a local chapter?
A: CPSA is a nonprofit corporation that serves as the legal (tax) entity under which the district chapters operate. In that capacity, CPSA provides credibility for colored pencil artists, gains attention for colored pencil art in major art publications, sponsors conventions and exhibitions, conducts lightfastness testing, and encourages manufacturers to produce better products. Although they may not realize it, everyone using colored pencils benefits from the efforts of CPSA to bring attention to and improve the reputation of our favorite medium.