These CPSA members have earned signature status for being selected 3 times (within a window of 10 consecutive exhibitions) in one or both of the annual CPSA exhibitions. This accomplishment entitles them to add the initials CPSA (International Exhibition) or CPX (Explore This!) after their name. In addition, signature members earn a merit award each 5 times their work appears in the same kind of exhibition (indicated by a superscript numeral following a signature designation). Continuous membership is necessary to qualify and retain signature status.
Current as of March 9, 2025
Ackerman, CPSA10, Deane (SC)
Adair, CPX5, Sue deLearie (NY)
Adams, CPSA, Scott (AZ)
Akers, CPSA, Fay (MI)
Alderfer, CPSA, Carrie (AL)
Allen, CPSA5, Teresa (OR)
Andril, CPSA, Patricia (MD)
Artz, CPX5, Keith R (WA)
Auten, CPSA15, Bonnie (MI)
Averill, CPSA20, Pat (OR)
Axeli, CPSA, Ria (Greece)
Backe, CPSA, Lupe (CA)
Baird, CPSA15, Cecile (OH)
Baisden, CPSA25, Jeffrey Smart (FL)
Bamert, CPSA, Rebekka (NC)
Barron, CPX5, Rex (NM)
Bartoe, CPSA, Rhonda (OH)
Bassett, CPSA, Elaine L (WA)
Baxter, CPSA, Todd (SC)
Becker, CPSA, Chad (WI)
Becktel, CPSA, CPX5, Sarah (NJ)
Bedrosian, CPSA10, Holly (TX)
Belcher, CPSA10, CPX, Pamela (CA)
Belletire, CPSA, Kathy (IL)
Blais Oliver, CPSA5, Jean (TX)
Bogar, CPSA5, Jeanne L (IL)
Bonacci, CPX, Yvonne (CA)
Bonick, CPX, Carol (IL)
Borgman McGuire, CPSA, Gail (MI)
Brooks, CPSA5, Susan (TX)
Brown, CPSA, Alisha (CO)
Brown, CPSA, CPX, Bobbie (IL)
Brunk, CPSA, Cynthia (NC)
Buckley, CPSA, Dina (VA)
Burchett, CPSA, Andria (IL)
Byram, CPSA5, Barbara E (OH)
Byrem, CPSA5, Lynn A (PA)
Bywaters, CPX, Lynn (CT)
Callahan, CPSA5, Gloria (VA)
Cameron, CPSA5, Mikela (CA)
Cantrell, CPSA, Sheila (AR)
Cardana, CPSA, Jeanne (OR)
Carlson, CPSA, CPX5, Mary A (AZ)
Caro, CPSA5, Cheryl H (LA)
Carpenter, CPSA5, Jennifer (VA)
Carroll, CPSA5, CPX, Virginia (AZ)
Cartaya, CPX5, Alma (CA)
Chance, CPSA10, CPX5, Anda (FL)
Chang, CPSA5, CPX, J Y (CA)
Chokshi, CPSA, Janki (CA)
Chua, CPSA5, CPX5, Carolyn (Malaysia)
Clay, CPSA5, CPX, Pauline (VA)
Clements, CPSA5, Pamela (IN)
Coleman, CPSA5, Karen (VA)
Collier, CPSA20, CPX5, Gail T (IL)
Collins, CPSA5, Kelly P (OR)
Comras, CPX, Carolyn (VA)
Couteau, CPSA, Maryse-Anne (France)
Coville, CPSA, CPX5, Caryn (NY)
Cox, CPSA, Kathy (OH)
Cunningham, CPSA, Carolyn (CA)
Curnow, CPSA5, CPX, Vera (IN)
Dahlgran, CPSA5, CPX5, Dava (WI)
Dahlstedt, CPSA10, CPX5, Barbara (AZ)
Davis, CPSA, Dr Christine J (SC)
De Waard, CPSA5, Barbara A (IL)
DellaRocco, CPSA5, Maryann (MD)
Dewar, CPSA5, Kay (WA)
Di Pilla, CPSA, Gwynn Walker (NJ)
Dicksion, CPSA5, CPX, Rhonda (AZ)
Dixon, CPSA, Lorri Lynn (WA)
Doty, CPSA5, Kristen (WA)
Doty, CPSA5, Sheri (UT)
Eller, CPSA, Becky Eileen (TN)
Erby, CPSA5, Travis D (MI)
Everson, CPSA10, CPX10, Elliott (AZ)
Fagan, CPSA5, CPX, Allison (ON Canada)
Falchetti, CPSA5, Shawn (PA)
Fancher, CPSA, Mary (NY)
Fantini, CPX5, Laura (NY)
Ferreira, CPSA10, CPX, Kendra Bidwell (RI)
Fithian, CPSA5, Catherine (OH)
Flanagan, CPSA5, Christine (FL)
Forney, CPSA, Ric (OH)
Frein, CPSA5, CPX5, Tracy (IL)
Friedman, CPSA10, Deborah L (MA)
Gant, CPSA10, CPX, Tanja (TX)
Gargula, CPX5, Deb (CA)
Garrett, CPX5, Susie (AL)
Gaylord, CPSA5, Donna (AZ)
Geissenhainer, CPSA5, CPX, Mary Ellen (MD)
Gelblat, CPSA15, CPX5, Joan (GA)
George, CPSA20, CPX5, Jeff (ID)
Gilbert, CPSA, Steven R (TX)
Gilger, CPSA5, CPX5, Marsha (OH)
Gleason, CPX, Barbara (OR)
Gogoleski, CPSA, Valerie A (OR)
Grace, CPSA5, Constance R (CA)
Graham, CPSA, CPX, Donna (IL)
Griffith, CPX, Don (OR)
Grimm, CPSA, Susan (OH)
Guiseppi, CPSA, John (FL)
Gylling, CPSA10, Gemma (CA)
Haas, CPSA5, Carolyn J (PA)
Hafner, CPSA5, Betty (MD)
Hamby, CPSA, Kim (GA)
Hansen, CPSA, Kathryn (CA)
Hanson, CPSA5, CPX, Merri (TX)
Hardy, CPSA15, CPX, Linda Lucas (TX)
Harm, CPSA5, CPX5, Diane (FL)
Hart, CPSA, David (MN)
Heller, CPSA5, Cathy (NJ)
Helmick, CPSA5, CPX5, Richard (OR)
Henize, CPSA, Linda Boatman (IL)
Henry, CPSA, Catherine A (NC)
Hershberger, CPSA5, Carlynne (FL)
Hester, CPSA5, Sharon (FL)
Heussner, CPSA, Priscilla (WI)
Hobbs, CPSA10, CPX, Mary G (OH)
Holland, CPSA, Tonya (AZ)
Holster, CPSA5, Elizabeth (Betsy) (CA)
Honaker, CPSA, Nancy (OH)
Hopkins, CPSA5, Margaret (Margi) (OH)
Hoque, CPSA, David (VA)
Horwath, CPSA, Sue (AK)
Howard, CPSA10, CPX5, Denise (CA)
Huck, CPSA10, CPX5, Richard (ME)
Hudson, CPSA, Carolyn (MI)
Hughes, CPSA, Deborah (CA)
Hull, CPX5, Karen (NSW Australia)
Humay, CPSA5, Priscilla (FL)
Hunter, CPSA, Sandra (CO)
Hunter, CPSA10, Suzanne (TX)
Jacey, CPSA, Nancy (VA)
Jackman, CPSA, Pat (OR)
James, CPSA5, Toni (AZ)
James, CPX, Linda (MI)
James, CPX, Yvonne (FL)
Jarrett, CPSA, J Corinne (OR)
Javellana, CPSA, C G (TX)
Jevons, CPSA, Hanneke C (FL)
Johnson, CPSA, Jane A (OH)
Johnson, CPSA5, CPX5, Buena (CA)
Jones, CPSA, Marilyn (FL)
Joumaa, CPSA, Carol J (VA)
Karner, CPSA, Julie (FL)
Kenny, CPSA, Carolyn (CA)
Kline, CPSA5, Jill L (NM)
Knight, CPSA, CPX, Karen (TX)
Knox, CPSA5, Cynthia (NY)
Koffenberger, CPSA5, Linda (NC)
Kow, CPSA5, Sharon SS (Malaysia)
Krohn, CPSA10, Scott (MN)
Krumpelman, CPSA, Jacquelyn (OH)
Kutch, CPSA5, Kristy Ann (IN)
Lane, CPSA5, Jesse (TX)
Lasky, CPSA5, Robert C (MI)
Lawrence, CPSA, Vanessa (MO)
Lawrence, CPSA, Vickie (BC Canada)
Lentine, CPSA5, CPX, Pat (FL)
Levy, CPX5, Shirley (NM)
Lewandowski, CPSA5, CPX5, Erwin P (MI)
Lienhart, CPSA, Suzanne (TX)
Lindberg, CPSA10, Heidi J Klippert (WA)
Lindenberger, CPSA10, CPX5, Amy (OH)
Locati, CPSA5, Dyanne (AZ)
Luppino, CPX, Patricia (NY)
MacDonald, CPSA, Nina (NC)
Madawick, CPSA10, Paula (NY)
Maklowski, CPSA10, CPX5, Deborah (MD)
Malicoat, CPSA, Jean A (OH)
Mallen, CPSA, Teresa (ON Canada)
Maltby, CPSA5, CPX5, Carol E (NY)
Marcil, CPSA10, Suzanne (FL)
Marcotte, CPSA, Chantal (QC Canada)
Marcoux, CPX5, Cynthia (OK)
Marshall, CPSA, CPX, Pete (QLD Australia)
Martín, CPSA, CPX, Paco (Spain)
Massey, CPSA, Ann James (France)
Mazgaj, CPSA15, Sharon Frank (OH)
Mazzaferro, CPSA, Cynthia Streit (FL)
McConnell, CPSA, Carla E (AZ)
McGarey, CPSA5, Heather W (CO)
McNeil MacLean, CPSA, Teresa (CA)
Menius, CPSA5, Michael (CA)
Merry, CPSA, Meg (AZ)
Mersman, CPSA, Wendy (MI)
Metzger, CPSA, Cheryl (OH)
Middick, CPSA, John (OH)
Mills, CPSA, Lisa (SC)
Minnich, CPSA, Sheila (OK)
Mitchell, CPSA, Maureen (WA)
Mlekoday, CPSA, Eugene (MN)
Moehl, CPSA5, CPX, Mari K (FL)
Montgomery, CPSA, Kathleen (MI)
Moore, CPSA, Katherine (GA)
Moritz, CPX, Judy (WA)
Mork, CPSA, Janie (MN)
Morton, CPSA5, Linda M (AL)
Mossing Krueger, CPX, Mary (OH)
Mottl, CPSA, Cindy Valek (IL)
Mowery, CPSA5, Kay A (NC)
Mullarkey, CPSA5, Kimberly (IL)
Mullins, CPSA, Glenda (OK)
Murray, CPSA5, Irma (TX)
Murray, CPX, Linda (WA)
Nass, CPSA10, Rhonda (WI)
Neace, CPX, David (KY)
Neal, CPSA, Terri (OR)
Nece, CPSA20, CPX5, Melissa Miller (FL)
Neuherz, CPX, Mark (PA)
Newton, CPSA10, Barbara Benedetti (WA)
Nistler, CPSA15, CPX10, Eileen (WY)
Orsini, CPSA, Anita (FL)
Ospanik, CPSA, Laura (OH)
Palmer, CPSA, Linda Williams (AR)
Paradis, CPSA10, Rita (CT)
Parker, CPSA15, CPX, Gretchen Evans (SC)
Parkhurst, CPSA, Larry (WA)
Passicot, CPSA5, Monique (CA)
Paszkowski, CPSA, Janet (GA)
Patterson, CPSA10, Elizabeth (CA)
Patterson, CPSA5, Elizabeth A (ME)
Peck, CPX, William (OH)
Peltier, CPSA, CPX, Mandy (GA)
Pennock, CPSA, Glinda (FL)
Perrier, CPSA, Jeanne (PA)
Phifer, CPSA5, Sandy (AZ)
Pierson, CPX, Amber (AZ)
Placer, CPSA5, CPX5, Andrea (NJ)
Podstolski, CPX5, Julie (WA Australia)
Powell, CPSA, Rita Sue (AZ)
Power, CPSA, Billie J (AZ)
Przyborowski, CPSA5, Agnieszka (MI)
Puls, CPSA10, Laurene (OH)
Purdy, CPSA, CPX5, Mike (CA)
Purdy, CPSA5, Andrew (CA)
Quigley, CPSA, Richard (OR)
Raboin, CPSA, Kimberly (MI)
Ramadan, CPSA, CPX, Galal (FL)
Raub, CPSA, Brenda (ID)
Remmler, CPSA, CPX, Soomin Jung (TX)
Rhoads, CPSA5, CPX, Nancy (FL)
Ripoli, CPX, Candace Richey (FL)
Robertson, CPSA10, Joan E (IL)
Rogers, CPSA10, Barbara (CA)
Rogers, CPSA5, Dean (MI)
Roi, CPSA, CPX, Ester (CA)
Rowles, CPSA5, Helen (AZ)
Rubin, CPX5, Susan (CO)
Salazar, CPSA, CPX5, Susan (CA)
Sams, CPX, Valorie (MS)
Scannelli, CPSA10, Sheila (OH)
Schmidt, CPSA5, CPX5, Kay (OR)
Schorn, CPX, Philip (IL)
Schwarz, CPSA, Donna M (FL)
Scott, CPSA, CPXCarol (LA)
Scott, CPSA5, Patricia (MN)
Seal, CPX, Heidi (UK)
Seiter, CPX5, Megan (CA)
Sexton, CPSA, Carla K (TN)
Shane, CPSA, (WA)
Sheckter, CPSA5, Bonnie (ON Canada)
Shelton, CPSA5, Gail H (LA)
Shepelak, CPSA5, CPX, Judith (IL)
Siniscal, CPSA5, Holly (NV)
Skoczen, CPSA10, Rita (FL)
Skugariene, CPSA5, CPX5, Aura (CA)
Slade, CPSA10, Donna S (NC)
Smith, CPSA, David J (CA)
Smith, CPSA, Sherry (CO)
Smolko, CPSA15, CPX5, John P (OH)
Snyder, CPSA, Heidrun (CO)
Soisson, CPSA, Dianna Wallace (MI)
Sorg, CPSA5, CPX5, Eileen (WA)
Stallings, CPSA10, Shirley F (WA)
Steinberg, CPSA15, CPX5, Arlene (FL)
Stephenson, CPSA, Lynn (MI)
Sterrett, CPSA5, Sabyna (MS)
Stone, CPSA5, Winifred Storkan (OH)
Strid, CPSA, Jerri Lynn (CA)
Suffolk Guerine, CPSA5, Nancy (GA)
Swart, CPSA5, Johanna (DC)
Taylor, CPSA, Nichole (UT)
Teabo, CPSA, CPX, Sharon (UT)
Tenzer, CPSA, CPX, Susie (MO)
Thayer Jr, CPSA5, Thomas M (WA)
Theodoratos, CPSA5, CPX, Sheila (WA)
Thompson, CPX5, Deborah (FL)
Tomasik, CPSA, Carol (OH)
Tompkins, CPSA, Christi (TX)
Turner, CPSA5, CPX5, Amy S (IL)
Unzicker, CPSA, Wendell (TX)
Ursillo, CPSA10, John A (WA)
Uyehara, CPSA5, Gayle (CA)
Vaughn, CPSA, Sandra A (OH)
Venkatachari, CPSA5, CPX5, Ranjini (CA)
Venti, CPX, Art (FL)
Villioti, CPSA5, Maria (Greece)
Wagoner, CPSA, CPX, Dee (OR)
Webb, CPSA, Marjorie (IL)
Wehrman, CPSA, Susan (MO)
Weidner, CPSA5, Mona (FL)
Weinstock, CPSA5, CPX5, Arlene (CA)
Wengler, CPSA, Toni (TX)
Wesner, CPSA10, Linda (OH)
West, CPSA5, Helen Hogg (WA)
Westgard, CPSA5, CPX, Sylvia (IL)
Wheeler, CPSA5, Faith (SC)
Whitener, CPSA5, Dena V (TN)
Wollam, CPSA, Larry D (AZ)
Wood Taber, CPSA5, Nancy (NM)
Worlein, CPSA5, CJ (OR)
Yaun, CPSA10, Debra Kauffman (GA)
Zadravec, CPX, Lis (MD)
Zenner, CPSA, Sidne (OR)
Zinn, CPSA, Christian (CA)
Zubiate, CPSA5, Phil (CA)
Zubrod, CPSA, Pamela (CO)